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Dashboard Resources

Griffin Dashboard Toolkit

Downloadable content for Griffin Dashboard Toolkit

Server Specifications

Get information about server requirements.

Griffin AI Toolkit Release Notes

Get release notes history for Griffin AI Toolkit

Griffin Web Dashboard Release Notes

Get release notes history for Griffin Web Dashboard

Griffin Dashboard Toolkit Installation

If you are installing Griffin for the first time, download and install the following components in the order listed below.

[wpdm_package id='447' template='link-template-step1'] [wpdm_package id='455' template='link-template-step2'] [wpdm_package id='1397' template='link-template-step3'] [wpdm_package id='1389' template='link-template-step4']

Updating Griffin Dashboard Toolkit

The setup exe files in the above installation section can be run to update to an existing Griffin installation. The setup.exe files automatically detects an existing installation and updates it.

[wpdm_package id='' template='link-template-update']

Optional Downloads

If you plan on using OSI PI data link or plan to use Python code with Griffin application, download and install the following components.

[wpdm_package id='1087' template='link-template-download'] [wpdm_package id='1320' template='link-template-download']