Toolkit Details
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Server Specifications
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Griffin Toolkit Release Notes
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Griffin AI Toolkit Installation
If you are installing Griffin for the first time, download and install the following components in the order listed below.
Java Run-time Environment 8
OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_8u392b08.msi - 91 MB
Griffin AI Toolkit Installer
/wp-content/uploads/downloads/griffin-setup-2.5.7.exe - 304 MB
Updating Griffin AI Toolkit
If you are updating an existing Griffin installation, download and run the following update.
Griffin AI Toolkit Installer
/wp-content/uploads/downloads/griffin-setup-2.5.7.exe - 304 MB
Optional Downloads
If you plan on using OSI PI server for data links, download and install the Griffin PI Service. NOTE: THIS VERSION WILL WORK ONLY WITH GRIFFIN AI TOOLKIT VERSION 2.2.3 or higher.
Install Python runtime if you plan on using Python calls from the Griffin applicationGriffin PI Service
GriffinPIService-Installer-2.2.0.exe - 1.98 MB
Python Runtime
python-installer- - 560 MB
Griffin Web Dashboard
GriffinWeb-Setup-1.4.6.exe - 60 MB
Griffin Time Series DB
GriffinInfluxDB-Setup-2.7.5.exe - 54 MB
Grafana Dashboard
GriffinGrafana-Setup-8.4.6.exe - 250 MB